
Lifestyle Photography

According to Wikipedia, Lifestyle Photography is a style of photography which aims to portray real-life situations in a controlled setting. Lighting is bright, airy and natural-looking. There are many commercial applications including magazine editorial and advertising usage.
I recently took an online photography class as a study along participant (meaning that I had access to the lessons and assignments but was not able to get the feedback or post my homework to the forum.)
I decided to share them here for 2 reasons:
1- Hold myself accountable for completing the assignments
2- Share some commonly known tips (even though I just learned them!) so that you can learn too.
Lifestyle photography differs from a snapshot (which is just a picture taken without thought to lighting, composition, etc.) in that you are still thinking about the "rules" of portrait photography.
-You follow composition rules (rules of third, cropping, etc.)
-Look for unique angles.
-You are trying to capture the small details and the big picture
-It is a photojournalistic approach.
-Subjects are not typically posed
Lifestyle photography doesn't have to be in black and white but the processing needs to be consistent in all the pictures, i.e. if one picture is in antique style, they all should be.
So here is my lifestyle homework:
do you get my story?

[When you don't feel well, getting up is hard to do!]

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